
Irrationality of Islam

Pope Benedict XVI delete quoteEmperor Manuel II Baliologos notes about Prophet Muhammad bring only what is "evil and inhuman" world, quote is marginal for his argument itself acknowledges, will not be clearly emphasised the central focus of contention-modern rationalism needs listening contribution faith to enable them to get out of the narrow confines of absolute and fundamentalism. It is precisely the problem with Islam as a religion, ' lifestyle '.

To understand this point, it must focus on non-Muslims on the difference between Islam and the Islamic movement. Islamism is a set of political ideologies that Islam is a religion, but also a political system that governs the requirements of legal, economic and social State according to its interpretation ".For the Islamic Sharia, the absolute priority of democracy, universal human rights. "use" and "Islamism," often in several publications in some Muslim countries to describe local organizations, which sought to apply ".

There is intense debate in the Muslim world, about the differences between Islam and Islamism. controversy lies in the different answers to questions about how Muslims should live, and the type of Governments to support and the appropriate role of Islamic symbols and ideas and beliefs in the modern world. Those who claim the Islamists are saying that Islam is inherently political, and that the rules and regulations set forth in the Qu'ran, chats Islamic Governments.

In essence the naked soul feedstock Pope Benedict XVI in syllogism: Islam is a faith without modern secular reason why devoid of faith; dynamic faith Christian wedding to every faith and reason. without reason without faith can be very destructive.Therefore, Islam and modern art to learn from Christian mutual enrichment between faith and reason, which, admittedly, generally sounds a little biased.

The being of Muslim leaders and world audiences on Pope's statements proves once again that Muslims really had a problem with rationality. It is not a riot in the streets, and calls for Jihad and the destruction of the Holy See, in fact, all symbols of Christianity and Judaism that Muslims could hope to rebuild its image tarnished, as well as the appropriate civil institutions that could have the capacity and authority to respond effectively to the challenges faced today.

And reflect exaggerated reactions such as those made by the Pope or those involving publication in the Danish newspaper jyllands-Posten cartoons depicting some time wesaterising Prophet Muhammad general lack of "State" and civic organizations that lack of power and efficiency in dealing with perceived challenges. They also reflect the profound ignorance of the masses and Islamic for anything and everything that characterizes as a non-Muslim.

Failure, as the Pope correctly, and in fact that Islam-as a religion as a way of life – failed to achieve many goals. Raising living standards and ridding communities of corruption (corruption in all its manifestations, incidentally, is expressly prohibited the Prophet), freeing people from chronic poverty, Centennial, and not allowing freedom of thought and expression even basic forms and even protect Islam Muslim scholars have dubbed the "widespread alienation".

It's not an inherent through Western phobia-ball feelings and absolute Israel that Islam would ever own limitations. But, above all, through the adoption and acceptance of Jihad or holy war as a means of spreading the belief that Islam shows its own irrationality. This is precisely what the Pope refers to when he cited the emperor Manuel II Baliologos for remarks made in the context of the broader issue of Christianity and Islam, and the truth of all religions.

The Pope was born faith spirit body. Whatever will cause someone to faith need the ability to speak well, correctly, without violence and threats.Convince reasonable spirit, no one needs a strong arm, or weapons of any kind or any other means of threatening anyone sentenced to death.

In contrast to this message with the teachings of Prophet Mohammad to spread Islamic belief to rigikters truth (unbelievers) after it became clear to them the truth:

"Kill them wherever you find them and pay them off [where] you can break out and [recall] persecution worse carnage but start a fight with her near the Holy Kaaba" unless they attack you there but if they attack you can put to the sword] without any hesitation]. this bonus may thus also.However, if the stop [this disbelief], God is forgiving and merciful.Keep fighting against them, so persecuted and [in] Allah reigns supreme. but if repairing roads, then] you should know that] does not allow an attack against sin.The sacred month of the sacred month; [also] other Holy things also subject to reprisals.So if anyone who transgresses against you, you should also pay coins equal. fear of God and [keep in mind that] God with those still in border [under religion]."(Qu'ran? 2:190--194)

Quite a mouthful!

Luigi Frascati

Luigi Frascati is a real estate agent based in Vancouver, British Columbia. "holds a Bachelor's degree in economics and retain weblog titled" real estate "magazine in where you can find a collection of his articles on economic, financial and real estate. Luigi associated with the group, the largest real estate Sutton in Canada, and the" real estate "Sutton, Burnaby, BC.

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